I never expected to be a widowed parent.
I bet you didn’t either.
Do you ever wish you had a handbook showing you what to expect in this thing called ‘only parenting’ or ‘solo parenting’ ?
Access to experts, people who have great ideas, people who can tell you what you need to know, and what to look out for?
Well, so did I.
It all started for me when my husband, Dennis, said one evening that he’d been feeling a bit dizzy. No big deal, right? Call the doctor, get to the bottom of it — right!?
Not quite. A simple trip to internal medicine and an MRI turned into brain surgery two days later, followed by a diagnosis of brain cancer (glioblastoma — same type as John McCain, Beau Biden, & Ted Kennedy). And then eight months of cancer and caregiving — and then he was gone.
And I was left to pick up the pieces of what should have been our life. Now it was me, my 9-year-old, and my 11-year-old.
Sound familiar?
Widowed Parents Unite
52 Tips to Get Through the First Year, from One Widowed Parent to Another
Widowed Parents Unite shines as a beacon of hope and practical wisdom for those facing the first year of parenting in the wake of loss. This book weaves together the voices of 49 moms and dads from around the globe and offers a rich blend of support and advice in bite-sized pieces perfect for moments when grief seems all-consuming.
Future Widow
Losing My Husband, Saving My Family, and Finding My Voice
First her young husband started feeling dizzy and stopped making sense. The next thing Jenny Lisk knew, she was a widowed parent, desperately wanting to know: how exactly do you raise grieving kids, anyway?